Illnesses & Injuries

  • Illnesses

    No parent is ever prepared to hear that their child has been diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, and the recognition of this begins a life-altering journey for the child and the entire family.

    Being the primary caregiver to a child with a critical illness can be physically and emotionally isolating. You are suddenly thrust into a multidimensional role that often requires superhuman strength, patience, and navigational skills. Like most parents and caregivers in these circumstances, you may find yourself having to cope with this intense reality while holding down a job and caring for other children. It is a lot to carry.

    At Alongside, we understand how high the stakes are for parents of a child living with a life-threatening illness, and the struggle that is required to find coping strategies and resources. We also understand that some life-threatening illnesses are acute and can be physically resolved while leaving an emotional scar on the whole family. Our goal is to provide you with the space and supportive resources you need so that you’re able to do whatever is best for your child, yourself, and your family each day, and enjoy some peace of mind as you navigate the uncharted path ahead.

    We invite you to join our Alongside Community of families who have children that have experienced various types of life-threatening illnesses. Some of these illnesses are chronic, while others are acute but have left their mark on a family.

    We focus particularly on illnesses that do not have an existing community of support. These include but are not limited to:

    Congenital Heart Disease

    Chronic respiratory disease

    Congenital Brain Malformations


    Pediatric Airway Defects

    Premature Birth

    Rare diseases

  • Injuries

    Injury is a leading cause of death and disability in children worldwide. For families whose children survive a life-threatening injury, the effects can be complex and overwhelming. After discharge from the hospital, injured children may face numerous challenges such as changes to their appearance, physical activity levels, friendships, and desire for social participation. Additionally, they may continue to develop physical and mental health symptoms. All of this can result in significant life changes and create stress on the entire family – the parents/caregivers, the injured child, and their siblings.

    At Alongside, we understand what it means to be a parent of an injured child. We know the struggle required to cope with previously unimagined challenges and complex day-to-day physical and emotional experiences. Our goal is to provide you with the space and supportive resources you need so you can determine the best way forward for your child and yourself as you navigate this new, uncharted territory.

    The Alongside Community supports families who are dealing with various types of life-threatening injuries including but not limited to:

    Motor Vehicle Accidents/Road Traffic Injuries

    Near-fatal Drowning Accidents

    Home or childcare accidents

    Firearm-related Injury

    Traumatic Brain Injury